Rope Haulge Notes || Mining Machinery


Lashing chain


Types of Rope Haulage

1)Direct rope haulage:-

a)Single drum direct rope haulage
b)Double drum direct rope haulage
2)Main & tail rope haulage

3)Endless rope haulage:-

a)Under rope endless rope haulage
b)Over rope endless rope haulage

4)Gravity rope haulage

1)Direct Rope Haulage

a)Single Drums Direct Rope Haulage:

This is simplest system of rope haulage. It consists of one track, one rope & one drum which are connected to a motor through gears. One end of the rope is connected with the train of tubs on the track & another end of the rope is connected to the drum. When the drum rotates situated at the top of the incline, the loaded tubs moves upwards. But for the downward journey of the empty tubs it does not require any power because a tub moves downward due to their own weight. The system can be on inclines steeper than 1 in 12 & the speed of the haulage is 8 – 12 kmph.

Advantages of Single Drum Direct Rope Haulage

1)Simple in operation.
2)Only one brake is required.
3)Extension is easy.
4)Branched roads can also be served, if gradient is suitable.
5)Can be used in narrow roads.

Disadvantages of Single Drum Direct Rope Haulage 

1)High power demands for upper journey of loaded tubs.
2)Efficient breaking system required for downward journey.
3)High speed haulage demands more maintenance of track.
4)Cannot be used for less incline roadways.
5)A derailment is associated with heavy damages.
6)Due to high speed more dust, more wear & tear.

b)Double Drum Direct Rope Haulage: 
It consists of two drums, two ropes & two tracks but only one driving motor. One end of each rope is connected with two drums & another end of rope is connected with the set of tubs. In such a way that when one set of tub is at incline top, the other set is at incline bottom. The two drums are connected with each other. When drum rotates, the rope coils on one drum & uncoils from another drum. It can be used if inclination is more than 1 in 12. The speed of the system is 8 to 12

Advantages of Double Drum Direct Rope Haulage

1)Higher output.
2)Less power demand.
3)Branched roads can also be served, if gradient is suitable.

Disadvantages of Double Drum Direct Rope Haulage 

1)Wider roads required.
2)Efficient breaking system required for downward journey.
3)High speed haulage demands more maintenance of track.
4)Cannot be used for less incline roadways.
5)A derailment is associated with heavy damages.
6)Due to high speed more dust, more wear & tear.

2)Main & Tail Rope Haulage:

 In this system the haulage engine provided with two separate drums, one for main rope which hauls the loaded tubs up the gradient & one for tail rope which hauls the empty tubs down the gradient. When one drum is in gear, the other drum revolves freely but controlled. The main rope is approximately equal to the length of the incline & tail rope is twice this length. The system can be used if the gradient is unsuitable for the use of direct rope haulage. Its speed is 15 – 18 kmph.

Advantages of Main & Tail Rope Haulage
1)Can be used on less inclined & undulating roadways.
2)Branch roadways can be served.
3)Only one track is required.
4)Less number of tubs is required.
Disadvantages of Main & Tail Rope Haulage
1)Due to high speed more dust, more wear & tear, more maintenance.
2)Derailment causes high damage due to high speed.
3)More power is required than the endless rope haulage.

3)Endless Rope Haulage: 

This system consists of double track, one driving pulley & one return pulley.
 An endless rope passes from the driving pulley which is situated at the inby end & back again to the driving pulley.
 One track is used for loaded tubs & another track is used for empty tubs.
 Rope moves in one direction only with the speed of 3-7 kmph.
Only one train of tubs is attached to the rope at a time but some times a set of tubs can be attached to the rope.
The system is used where the gradient is less, generally less than 1:12 or where the ground is undulating.
A squirrel cage motor is commonly employed.

a)Under Rope Endless Rope Haulage:

If the rope passes below the tubs, it is known as under rope endless rope haulage. In this system there is more wear & tear to this rope but also there is an advantage that there is more direct pull on the tubs.

b)Over Rope Endless Rope Haulage:
If the rope passes over the tubs, it is known as over rope endless rope haulage. In this system rope is unaffected by wet floor & liable to wear & tear. The rope is at better working height & a system is generally used for undulating roadways.

Advantages of Endless Haulage

1)Because of slow speed, less wear & tear to the tub wheel & track.
2)Less maintenance is required.
3)Accidents do not cause much damage.
4)Less motor power required.
5)Continuous flow of mineral or coal is attained.

Disadvantages of Endless Haulage

1)It requires wider roads.
2)Not suitable for Steeper gradient.
3)Load on the rope is large hence a rope of large cross section require.
4)Large number of tubs & clips are required.
5)It cannot serve a branch road.
6)Extension is not simple.
7)Minor injuries to hands & feet are common.

Driving Pulley or Surge Wheel

Types of Driving Pulley & Surge Wheel

1)Clifton pulley.
2)V-grooved pulley.
3)Fouler’s pulley.

1)Clifton Pulley:
 This pulley has tapered throat lining of renewable cast iron or soft steel segment having a taper of about 1 in 8. These segments are bolting to the rim to protect the main pulley from wear. The rope is coiled several times (3 ½ - 4 ½) around the pulley & it enters the pulley at larger diameter & leave the pulley at smaller diameter. This pulley is commonly used in mines in endless haulages.

2)V-Grooved Pulley:
 This pulley consists of two segments made of renewable cast iron or soft steel. These segments are bolted to the main pulley in ‘V’ shape. The rope takes only a half turned around the pulley & takes the necessary grip by becoming wedged between the two inclined segments. The grip on the rope is directly proportional to the tension in the rope.

3)Fouler’s Pulley:
 It consist of number of bell shaped pivoted segments made of renewable cast iron or soft steel. These segments are pivoted to the main pulley as shown in figure, the pressure of the rope on bottom of the segment towards each other so that they grip the rope in proportion to its tension.

Types of Clips

1)Screw clip.
2)Small-man clip.
3)Cam clip.
4)Goose neck clip.
5)Lashing chain.

1)Screw Clip:
It consists of two jaws i.e. lower jaw & upper jaw. When the distance between two jaws is enough to accommodate the rope, the moving rope is placed in between the jaws & the handle operated which reduces the distance between the two jaws. Hence the two jaw grips the load rope, due to this grip as well as tub starts moving with the rope because the clip is connected to the tub & through a rod or lever.

2)Small-Man Clip:
 It consists of two side plates loosely held together by a bolt which has a spring which keeps the two plates apart. A hand lever pivoted at ‘P’ & carries a wedge at its upper end. When the hand lever is depressed, the wedge enters between the two plates to grip the rope. The clip can be detached automatically from the rope by fixing a trite bar to the sleeper which raises the hand lever to release the rope.

3)Cam Clip:
 It consist of a plate having its one edge bent over to form a groove into which the rope is pressed a gripped by a lever which is pivoted & other end of the lever is connected to the tub to a chain. The pull on the chain turns the lever to grip the rope. The grip on the rope is proportional to the load
4)Goose Neck Clip:
It consist of an ‘S’ shaped hook loosely into the holders mounted on the end of the tub as shown. When the rope is placed in position in the hook at either end or at both end of the tub, the hook turns through about 300 & grips the rope. The grip on the rope is proportional to the tension in the rope. But this grip bends the rope which reduces the rope’s life.

5)Lashing Chain:
It consists of a chain 2.5 to 3.0 meter long with a hook at each end. One hook is attached to the tub & other end of the chain is coiled 3 to 4 times around the rope & the hook is linked to the chain. On undulating roads chain should be used at both the ends. Generally in this case a set of tubs is attached with the rope at a time.

4)Gravity Rope Haulage:
This is haulage without motor or any external source of power. It is used when load is to be transported from up hill to down the gradient. It consists of brake path on one side & is way pulley. It is located at the top of the incline roadway. The one end of the single rope is attached to the loaded tub & the other end is attached to the empty tubs while passing over the jib pulley. When the loaded tubs moves down the gradient at sometimes empty tubs moves up the gradient. The brake strap is provided with brake path & is connected to a lever. When the lever is depressed the braking effect on the jig pulley is produced.

Safety Devices

1)Backstay or Drag:
 These are used behind an ascending set of tubs as a safe guard against a broken rope or coupling. It is very strong & made up of steel of rail section. If the tub coupling or rope breaks, the ascending tub starts moving backward. At the pointed end of the drag gets fixed in the ground or sleeper to derail the tubs. It is used in direct rope haulage.

2)Back Catch or Monkey Catch: 

It comprises a piece of wood or rail placed in such a way that one end is always high enough to catch the axle of the backward run away tub. When the tubs move in moving in correct direction, its axle presses the elevated end of the back catch so that it can cross the back catch. In this safety device movement of tubs is possible because only in one direction. It is used in endless rope haulage.

3)Spring Catch:
It consists of a wooden block at one end & pressed sideways over the rail at the other end by a spring as shown in figure. The tub moving in proper direction pushes aside the wooden block & passes over it, but due to spring the wooden block at once returns to its original position to arrest a backward run away tub. It is used in endless rope haulage.

4)Age Croft Device:
 It is some what similar to a monkey catch. But their designs to arrest forward run away automatically. When the tub is moving in the direction from B to A as shown in figure the front axle of the tub depresses the higher end ‘A’ of the pivoted bar AB & so raises the forked end ‘B’ to axle height. If the tub is moving at normal speed the ‘B’ end drops before the back axle reaches it. If the tub is moving very fast, the back axle of the tub is caught by the end ‘B’ & the tub is held in position. It is used in endless rope haulage.

5)Jazz Rails:
 In this safety device, the straight rail track is giving a very slight curve & again made straight. In some cases the track is bent at both sides & then made straight. At normal speed the tubs can easily cross it in either direction. But the uncontrolled tubs gets a high speed hence they cannot cross the jazz rails. Hence the derailment takes place. It is used in all types of haulage.

6)Stop Block:
 They are made in difficult forms & are used to stop or derail a moving tub on a track. Generally a wooden block which is pivoted to the sleeper at one end is kept across the track to derail the unwanted tubs. The track can be cleared by positioning the wooden block inclined with the track. It is used in direct rope haulage & main & tail rope haulage
7)Run Away Switch:
This switch is normally kept open by a spring. When a lever handle is operated by an operator, the switch gets closed. And tubs can pass over it otherwise the tub derails when they pass over the runaway switch. It is used with direct rope haulage & main & tail rope haulage.

8)Runaway Switch & Stop Block:
 This safety device is situated at the incline mouth of direct or main & tail rope haulage.In this safety device the stop block & the run away switch are so interconnected that at any time one of them is working. The distance between stop block & run away switch should be more than the train length (train length + 4.5 meter). The stop block & the primary switch are connected by a lever. When the lever is operated to clear the track from the stop block the run away switch is open. But as soon as the tubs crosses stop block the lever is again operated to close the run away switch & at the same time it is on the stop block.

9)Drop Warrick:
 This safety device consists of a strong girder which is pivoted at the roof level through an eye bolt & pin. The pin is operated through a long wire attached to the swinging lever which is to be operated by the tubs, on the up hill side when the tubs are moving in downward direction. The control movement of tub does no exert in a pull or the wire but in case the tub running uncontrolled. It extracts a high pull on the wire through the lever which is turned. Drop the pivoted girder between tracks to arrest the forward runaway of the tubs. It is used with direct rope haulage, main & tail rope haulage & endless rope haulage.

Height should be more than 1.8 meter, depth should be more than 1.2 meter & width should be more than 0.7 to 1 meter. When person are allowed to work or pass through an incline, when the haulage is in motion, the manholes are made along the roadways sot that person travelling can take shelter in the manholes. The interval between two manholes should not be more 10 meters, but if the gradient is less than 1:6 the interval may be up to 20 meter. If the roadways are less than 1.8 meter in height the manhole should be made up of full height of the roadway it is used in direct, main & tail & endless rope haulages.


  1. Please describe the definitions along with pictures for proper understanding... thankyou!


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