Winding in mines
ØTypes of Winding system:- A. On the basis of construction: a)Drum Winding b)Friction/Koepe Winding c)Balanced weight winding B. On the basis of power supplied: a)Electric winding b)Compressed air winding c)Steam winding ØEquipment of winding (वाइंिडं ग में प्रयोग होने वाले उपकरण): 1.Headgear 2.Cage 3.Headgear Pulley 4.Winding rope 5.Winding drum/sheave 6.Guides 7.Keps and folding platform 8.Dogs 9.Suspension gear 10.Electric motor or steam engine vHeadgear :- shaft के ऊपर लोहे या concrete से बना एक ऊँ चा फ़्रे म होता है िजसके ...